Android Development Archive

Ziggy471 Droid Incredible Kernel 22 Oct

Posted October 23, 2010 By Ziggy471

NOTICE: I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen to your phone, except for maybe it running faster. You break it, you fix it.

22 Oct 2010:
Kernel version

1.28GHz, I don’t recommend this setting, it doesn’t appear to work on the newer Desire ports. I recommend 1.113 or 1.15.

BFS 357 CPU Scheduler
BFQ IO Scheduler
Swap enalbed
SLUB (Unqueued Allocator)
All CPU governors, Interactive is the default
CPU Undervolt control via /proc/undervolt – built in, not a module

Fix for slow SD card access

A few tweaks here and there.

Also included in the update:
1. For any ROM that has busybox’s run-parts enabled, I added a screen state frequency/governor switching script, located in /system/etc/init.d. This means you do not have to use setcpu to control the frequency or governor anymore. If you prefer not using this script, delete it

The defaults for the script:


2. remount script that will be installed to /system/bin.

Valid input format:
remount [ro|rw|status]
ro = read only (default)
rw = read write (to make modifications)
status = current mount mode

3. hosts file that blocks most ads, if you find more, let me know
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Droid Incredible 22 Oct (761 downloads)

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Ziggy471 Bravo Kernel 22 Oct

Posted October 23, 2010 By Ziggy471

NOTICE: I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen to your phone, except for maybe it running faster. You break it, you fix it.

22 Oct 2010:
Kernel version

1.3GHz, I don’t recommend this setting. I recommend between 1.113 and 1.19.

BFS 357 CPU Scheduler
BFQ IO Scheduler
Swap enalbed
SLUB (Unqueued Allocator)
All CPU governors, Interactive is the default
CPU Undervolt control via /proc/undervolt – built in, not a module

Fix for slow SD card access

A few tweaks here and there.

Also included in the update:
1. For any ROM that has busybox’s run-parts enabled, I added a screen state frequency/governor switching script, located in /system/etc/init.d. This means you do not have to use setcpu to control the frequency or governor anymore. If you prefer not using this script, delete it

The defaults for the script:


2. remount script that will be installed to /system/bin.

Valid input format:
remount [ro|rw|status]
ro = read only (default)
rw = read write (to make modifications)
status = current mount mode

3. hosts file that blocks most ads, if you find more, let me know

[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Bravo 22 Oct (589 downloads)

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[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Droid Incredible BFS-OC-UC-Inter

Posted August 27, 2010 By Ziggy471

Ziggy471’s Kernel for Droid Incredible (BFS-OC-UC-Inter)

After trying a few of the kernels out there, I figured I’d dust off my kernel building skills.  Being that most of my computer experience is in ‘Nix and I’ve been running Linux since the pre 1.0 kernel days, and have compiled and tweak more kernels then I really care to remember, I figured WTH.  So here is my first of hopefully many kernels that I’ll be posting here and on PPCG, I have others testing on different devices right now.

I decided to release my kernels here and on PPCG only, due to the need for Android development over there, please don’t take that the wrong way, I still hang out on XDA too.  lol

– HTC Verizon MR Incredible Kernel base
– Using Koush’s AnyKernel
– Hybrid Adaptive Voltage Scaling (HAVS)
– Overclocked – Up to 1.152Ghz
– Undervolted
– CPU Scaling Interactive supported (Default)
– CPU Scaling Ondemand supported
– CPU Scaling Userspace supported
– CPU Scaling Performance supported
– CPU Scaling Powersave supported
– CPU Scaling Conservative supported
– EXT4 as a module
– CIFS as a module
– BFS scheduler
– A whole lot more that I can’t remember.

Quadrant Results

Yes, that really does say 1621, lowest I’ve seen is around 1525, and average is 1590.

Now for the important part, [KERNEL] Ziggy471 Droid Incredible BFS-HAVS-OC-UC-Inter (766 downloads)


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