NOTE: I’m taking this weekend off from working on kernels. I also will not be checking the site as much as normal. Same goes for next week during the day, since I’ll be in a training class w/o internet access. So if you have any issues, please post them, and I will check in when I can.
NOTES on AOSP: It appears that my kernels work for the most part on Froyo based AOSP ROMs. However, Gingerbread is a totally different issue. So it may or may not work, best way to find out is to try. I do have plans to start working on newer kernel sources soon, but I really need some time off, I’ve spent most of my free time since Thanksgiving on this current source tree.
Changelog (since 15 Jan 11):
Hybrid Adaptive Voltage Scaling (HAVS) with sysfs vdd interface working 100%
SVS sysfs interface file for VDD: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/vdd_levels
HAVS sysfs interface file for VDD: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/vdd_levels_havs
It’s mostly the same code, but for scripting purposes I named them different
Only one will appear, not both
Sped up lock screen on ALL, damn HTC and Android fdearlysuspend
Fixed some earlysuspend issues
Fixed some wakelock issues
Updated WiMax drivers, ooops, forgot that in the EVO-MR3 update
Fixed a findbit problem
I had updated this to the glacier tree, which doesn’t work as well on our phones
Beta Kernel BRAVO BFS 21 Jan 11 (867 downloads)
Beta Kernel BRAVO BFS HAVS 21 Jan 11 (860 downloads)
Beta Kernel BRAVO CFS 21 Jan 11 (642 downloads)
Beta Kernel BRAVO CFS HAVS 21 Jan 11 (748 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO BFS 21 Jan 11 (865 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO BFS HAVS 21 Jan 11 (1242 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO CFS 21 Jan 11 (1091 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO CFS HAVS 21 Jan 11 (2575 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC BFS 21 Jan 11 (870 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC BFS HAVS 21 Jan 11 (1528 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC CFS 21 Jan 11 (688 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC CFS HAVS 21 Jan 11 (940 downloads)
6283179cd2d5e4559a59cd5866aa2d7c 396bfb9313dce36ba20b685217c29f8b 3fe2560738cd833e3312278071bea053 2524920e6d3bdd3d2ca38207076dcf38 34b5ec866e797e0001de058aaae29b84 26983586ea56c271b5316b2c64f2667a 7ac5a9cd548422ce62fc963f805a5042 907053cf124895b4f2b2f0d2546d55fc c9be090daf13dc53c2441ec8b3e66c15 2af1ea5038f5f4182f669d20dfc22193 d9ec89f6e317143081487d2f5f79d0b2 5f28f9f14d9d3135396baf59466ab932
syfs VDD Interface Usage:
Static Voltage Scaling (SVS):”<freq> <vdd>”
echo “128000 875″ > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/vdd_levels
Hybrid Adaptive Voltage Scaling (HAVS):”<freq> <min_vdd> <max_vdd>”
echo “128000 850 900” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/vdd_levels_havs
- Ziggy I have the same problem as Steve. I did the chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d//99setmaxfreq in adb shell. I didn't get…
- I haven't completely stopped, just been really busy with other things, like work and family. I just sent a few…
- I really hope you are still working on these kernels. They are the only kernels that have everything working in…