Ziggy471 Kernels INC/Bravo/EVO (Updated 14 Nov)
Added LZMA compression for the kernel image, makes it uber small. This should help with the few non-booters still left. Also, since it’s so small, EVERYTHING is built in, except wifi and on the EVO, wimax.
Moved the default boot speed back down to 998MHz, didn’t realize that some couldn’t run 1.113GHz, sorry about that.
Removed ALL debugging support in the kernel, this will speed it up and also makes it smaller.
Everything else is still the same, ck2, BFS357, BFQ, SLUB, CIFS, EXT4, gpu+, sd card speed up, etc…
Until I figure some things out with the AOSP kernels, I will not be releasing anymore, sorry.
Finally, for those that asked about the tweeks script I posted, it’s set for 1.113GHz max, if you want something different, edit the script and reboot. It’s the same script I had included in previous kernels, but had taken out for reasons.
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Bravo 14 Nov (1232 downloads)
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 EVO 14 Nov (1701 downloads)
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 INC 14 Nov (1221 downloads)
d7848b72e0866f20ed0ed0c1a7d130c9 Ziggy471Kernel-BRAVO-update_signed-11142010-0855.zip
ad584c7c152896a9548209d61a5c2684 Ziggy471Kernel-EVO-update_signed-11142010-0856.zip
6026e42adbfba2ce6616e32d624aa448 Ziggy471Kernel-INC-update_signed-11142010-0856.zip
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Sunday, November 14th 2010 at 09:43 |
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by RobBeane and David Amaro, Ziggy 471. Ziggy 471 said: Yet another release – Ziggy471 Kernels INC/Bravo/EVO (Updated 14 Nov) – http://tinyurl.com/32dugwd […]
Sunday, November 14th 2010 at 12:17 |
I installed this new kernel, and then flashed the tweak afterwards then rebooted. Was I supposed to reboot after the kernel install, and then flash the tweak?
Monday, November 15th 2010 at 01:13 |
WiFi and Wimax isn’t isn’t included on EVO? By saying wifi isn’t included what effect will that have on a DINC? I would have to flash something else in order for wifi to work?
Monday, November 15th 2010 at 12:19 |
Thanks for reworking this to not install OC’d to 1113 MHz so that I can turn it up only to what my device will run, in this case 1075 MHz.
Wednesday, November 17th 2010 at 11:20 |
Are these sense or AOSP kernels?
Wednesday, November 17th 2010 at 15:50 |
Wednesday, November 17th 2010 at 14:47 |
Would you consider making a Sense Stock/undervolt battery saving kernel based off the new Nov. DINC kernel?
Wednesday, November 17th 2010 at 15:51 |
There is no source code for any of the newer Incredible kernels. The only source that has been released is from the initial Froyo OTA.
Also, why bother with a stock speed kernel, if you don’t want to overclock an overclocked kernel, you don’t have to, you can still run stock speed with it.
Thursday, November 18th 2010 at 11:34 |
I think you may want to see this:
Wednesday, November 17th 2010 at 20:58 |
Ziggy, I have recently swapped to a Dinc for my main phone. I have been running a Droid1, and made several kernels for that. I would like to speak to you some time, maybe in Gtalk, or IRC about the DINC kernels. Let me know How I can get in touch with you.
Thanks! BTW I run your Oct26 Kernel.. That thing is FAST!
Wednesday, November 17th 2010 at 23:14 |
I not as concerned about overclock as I am about undervolting. I prefer to have battery life more than speed. Stock is plenty fast for me.
Saturday, November 20th 2010 at 19:30 |
This latest kernel for the evo is causing bootloops when I update estrongs file explorer. I’m using Myn’s ROM. It installs the latest version of estrongs from the market and immediately reboots my device.
Monday, November 22nd 2010 at 16:53 |
Ziggy, I am helping a fellow XDA member troubleshoot an issue with Wifi-Tether. Have you heard of any issues regarding your Kernels and Wifi-Tether? Eliminate the variables one by one. He has an Incredible with HeyItsLou’s Redemptive Revolution 2.1.3 (EVO/Inc Hybrid) ROM running on your latest Inc Kernel. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Wednesday, November 24th 2010 at 05:06 |
Nick: what wifi tether problems are you talking about? please inform me. i might be able to give light on this subject. also why no asop kernals ziggy?
Wednesday, November 24th 2010 at 05:21 |
I’ll be looking into the AOSP issues this weekend.