Ziggy471 Kernels INC/Bravo/EVO (Updated 4 Nov)

Ziggy471 Kernels INC/Bravo/EVO

The AOSP builds should work, but let me know.

Started all three over from fresh HTC source code.
Upgraded all to
ck2 and BFS357 from Con Kolivas


GPU+ for Sense Roms


Hybrid Adaptive Voltage Scaling (HAVS)


Fix for slow SD card speed with HTC’s Froyo Kernel


Smartass governor



Note1: These kernels ARE NOT overclocked, but are slightly undervolted.
Note2: I’ll have my github updated hopefully this weekend.  So please wait to update the XDA threads.

Even without over-clocking, you’ll be surprised at the speed.

[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Bravo 4 Nov (773 downloads)
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 EVO 4 Nov (842 downloads)
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Droid Incredible (Sense) 4 Nov (2425 downloads)
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Bravo AOSP 4 Nov (625 downloads)
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 EVO AOSP 4 Nov (560 downloads)
[KERNEL] Ziggy471 Droid Incredible AOSP 4 Nov (1017 downloads)


85254b58806d6326d33977d5e577551a  Ziggy471Kernel-BRAVO-update_signed-11042010-1949.zip
7e6933ab1391372d64693addf725342f  Ziggy471Kernel-EVO-update_signed-11042010-1949.zip
bcb82064a4b4824b461f861af9bdac58  Ziggy471Kernel-INC-update_signed-11042010-1949.zip
06cd83f734555ff21a03e2c85b7e8df2 Ziggy471Kernel-BRAVO-AOSP-update_signed-11052010-0449.zip
5835ec5ee138284bd1c97aef7fa4ff48 Ziggy471Kernel-EVO-AOSP-update_signed-11052010-0449.zip
c0d58cf8757b8c585307eb2d80f59037 Ziggy471Kernel-INC-AOSP-update_signed-11052010-0449.zip


  1. Ping from Tweets that mention Ziggy471 Kernels INC/Bravo/EVO (Updated 4 Nov) -- Topsy.com:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michael H, David Amaro and David Amaro, Ziggy 471. Ziggy 471 said: Ziggy471 Kernels INC/Bravo/EVO (Updated 4 Nov) – http://tinyurl.com/2azkq45 […]

  2. Ping from Jerry Lange:

    can we get some ASOP kernals? I dont run sense. Thanks!

  3. Ping from Graham:

    AOSP kernal for incredible????

  4. Ping from Brice:

    The AOSP for the incredible is causing some graphical glitches…

  5. Ping from Jerry Lange:

    what graphic glitches are you talking about?

  6. Ping from Ziggy Sense Kernels are really good!:

    […] sources code (I think the Kingsxkernel source code is outdated…) Check it out if you guys want- Ziggy471 Kernels INC/Bravo/EVO (Updated 4 Nov) -S-OFF::::boot .92– *Modded ClockworkRecovery* -Radio […]

  7. Ping from Grant:

    Thanks man! Love your work. Keep up your efforts on the Incredible!

  8. Ping from daftlush:

    We Incredible users salute you!

  9. Ping from Dustin:

    Love the great performance and battery life but with AOSP on incredible, I see screen tearing. Also, is there any way to incorporate the Wireless AP mode into the kernel so it would work with the build in Froyo tether app in AOSP roms?

  10. Ping from James:

    After seeing your post on the smartass governor, I just have a quick question: What is the Inc capped at while the screen is off? 352? Something else?

    Giving it a battery life test today withe the new governor.

  11. Ping from Joe:

    After reading about the smartass governor, I seriously want this aosp kernel working without screen tearing. First it was bluetooth not working, now screen tearing. So many teasers!!

  12. Ping from Chad:

    Been using the Nov 4th incredible (sense) kernel for 3 days now. Extremely fast and excellent battery life. However, I have had 1 or 2 force closes and one hard lock. Maybe a hair too aggressive on the voltage minimum?

    Otherwise keep up the good work. Can’t wait for HTC to release the source for the .17 kernel and see how you incorporate the improvements they made in that one to yours.

  13. Ping from Matt:

    I am a big fan of your test kernels for the incredible. I have been loving the BFS HAVS with my MIUI rom. I was wondering if you were going to update any of them to support the new gingerbread MIUI

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