First off, sorry for being almost completely absent in the past months. I’m getting ready to retire from the US Air Force, and decided it was time to buckle down and finally finish my degree. Last term I completed 20 classes for 65 credits and have already completed 2 classes for 10 credits, and another […]
New Site, New Look, New Features
Posted September 18, 2012 By Ziggy471Mecha GB Kernel (5 Nov 2011)
Posted November 11, 2011 By Ziggy471Alright, actually had this in testing for a few days now, meant to already release it, but have been sleeping more than anything recently, got rear-ended the other day, and doc put me on Flexeril 3-times a day. Changelog: Added smartassV2 md5sum: 94aa4309a98627d34d7b061b5a88d783 Download: Click here to download
- does ur latest kernel work on the EVO 4g running sinister rom and android 2.3.3?
- Oh man. Hope your gonna be OK.
Mecha GB Kernel (29 Oct 2011)
Posted October 29, 2011 By Ziggy471Ziggy471’s MECHA GB Sense Kernel DISCLAIMER: I’m not responsible for you blowing up your phone or you loosing your job/wife/dog/truck/car/hair/mind/sleep. Changelog (29 Oct 11): HTC Mecha GB MR 2.6.38 Automatic process group scheduling lagfree governor with a fully working sysf interface Backported ck3 BCM Bluetooth Low Power Mode Almost all debugging and tracing turned off […]
- so wheres that evo kernel is it ready
- does this work with both AOSP and Sense like your old kernels for the Incredible or just Sense
New kernels coming today
Posted October 29, 2011 By Ziggy471I’m getting ready to release both ThunderBolt and 3D kernels tonight. Source is also ready to go live, only thing I’m waiting on right now is some testing during the day. So stay tuned. EDIT: I also have Evo-4G ready to go too. Z
- Awesome as always your the man.
- Sweet! can't wait! need anyone to test?
Beta Kernels 10 Apr 11
Posted April 10, 2011 By Ziggy471Alright, did a lot of work this morning, so I decided to get something released tonight. This will probably be my last release for the time being, I have other things I need to get done. All: Lowered Wi-Fi voltages cpufreq interactive governor: fix crash on CPU shutdown MECHA: Fixed the sysfs interface for VDD, […]
- Nope.
- Will these kernels work with any of the gingerbread leaks?
- Yep otherwise its a great kernel on the Evo.
VDD, smartass, and cpufreq sysfs interfaces and how to use them.
Posted April 7, 2011 By Ziggy471Since I keep getting asked how to use the sysfs interfaces I have built into my kernel, I decided to do post on just those items. If you would like a more detailed explanation of sysfs, refer to I’ve done a write-up on the VDD, smartass, and cpufreq sysfs interfaces. I also included a […]
- If you lazy, and you don't wish to do this through terminal, you can use a text editor. When you…
- Thanks for this, I found it very informative, but I have a few questions I'd really appreciate an answer to.…
- Hey thanks for this write up. This is definitely very helpful
Beta MECHA Kernel 6 Apr 11
Posted April 6, 2011 By Ziggy471I guess something got messed up in the release on 4 Apr, the proximity sensor wasn’t working correctly. I had just re-done my entire source tree, I decided to rebase so that I could move an older patch forward, and wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing, so I messed things up. No big […]
- I fixed that in the next release, 10 Apr, I forgot one line while implementing the freq_table as dynamic, sorry…
- Changing VDD does not work? after an echo no values actually change.. im disapointed any1?
- Soon, very very's out for private beta right now.
Beta MECHA Kernel 4 Apr 11
Posted April 4, 2011 By Ziggy471Alright, been a little busy working on the kernel for the ThunbderBolt recently. It’s getting closer to being integrated with Frankenstine, EVO/INC/BRAVO. However, since I needed to do some upgrades to the base before moving it in with the others, I decided to release some interim builds. Changelog: Updated base to Added BFS version […]
- Have you fixed the bug where the phone won't come out of sleep after a phone call?
- Ziggy, just to let you know. I tried leanKernel v5 overclocked to 1.92ghz and was stable. are you planning on…
- I did use Bamf. but i used the BFS version of his kernel. Also quadrant isnt the best mesuring stick…
Alpha – Almost Beta ThunderBolt Kernel 2 Apr 11
Posted April 2, 2011 By Ziggy471Alright, decided to get a ThunderBolt on Wednesday, wanted to be grandfathered into the unlimited data plan. So I decided to put together a kernel for my newly rooted phone. Don’t worry, I still plan to work on the Frankenstine releases, EVO/INC/BRAVO. Eventually, I will get Mecha integrated into the same tree, it’ll make my […]
- ok, ran this all day. was able to oc to 1.7 but did not leave it there for long. everything…
- Any idea when we'll be getting some .37 kernels?
Beta Kernel 18 Mar 11
Posted March 19, 2011 By Ziggy471I decided to update the kernels to the latest mainline kernel version. So far it’s running good on mine and others, not really that big of a change, but I didn’t want to fall behind again. I planned on posting this earlier, but since I’m in Colorado right now, it’s still before midnight. lol Changelog: […]
- Are you ever going to do any AOSP kernels??? -big fan =P
- Hey, I was informed by a guy I know to install a kernel on my evo for my battery. So,…
- Do your inc kernels work on SLCD models? Everytime I tried the 31811 and 31211, I lost touchscreen sensitivity and…